
Blog on Sports

Blog on Sports

In the everyday movement of life just add a dash of competitive essence and what you will inevitably end up with is one sport or another. I believe that the average guy tends toward body building while the typical woman tends towards cardio vascular health (walking,...

Health And Wellness

Health And Wellness

As a second practical aspect of health and wellness, once you’ve accepted that diet and exercise will forever be part of the overall picture. Neglect these two pillars of the temple that is your body you do so at your own risk. We will never really exhaust the brevity...

The Importance of Checking Your Car Regularly

The Importance of Checking Your Car Regularly

While I have taken great pleasure in introducing you to E.P.M. (Excitement Per Mile) we must not neglect M.P.G (Miles Per Gallon). In today’s economy where yesterday’s regular gas costs hits the pocket with premium authority, I would be remiss if I didn’t at least...

Sports Blog

Sports Blog

Sports which are essentially the activities of life, everything that we as humans look to such as movement itself needs very little else to be called sport.  Downhill skiing is all in the hips. Much of making baskets is all in the wrist. Jogging is all in the stride....

Blog on Cars

Blog on Cars

This category holds a large part of my heart.  I love cars, supercars, hot rods, and especially classic muscle cars.  But I want to talk to you about your car and specifically how you care for it. To get the longevity out of our cars they must be maintained at...

What You Wear Is a Reflection of How You Feel

What You Wear Is a Reflection of How You Feel

Have you ever heard it said “what you wear is a reflection of how you feel?” neither have I but I believe it’s true. When you feel like stepping out for the evening to maybe dinner and a movie; rarely does the picture come to mind of a couple in sweatpants and...

On Electronics

On Electronics

This one category gives us the ability to watch over our things like never before in history.  While on the other hand some might mourn the loss of privacy that comes with “Alexa” or the smart T.V. I count it a plus to be able to see what’s happening in the present...



Hello and welcome to White Tiger Shopping Academy where we strive to be rare in our honesty with you; powerful in the lineup of products we offer and majestic in how we seek to build you up and strengthen you toward a happier and more fulfilled life. BIO I’m Titus...



Electronics give us security cameras for our homes, microphones with karaoke to drones that allow us to be in places we have never physically visited. Cell phones and laptops, earbuds, virtual reality headsets and so much more have invariably changed our world...

Sports Blog

Sports Blog

Looking at sports like a time machine is a very real perspective in America today, especially for the younger one’s who are still trying to find their way. My request is a simple one, if I through ideas and research make you a more informed and discerning shopper...